Monday, February 16, 2015

02-9-15 to 02-16-15

It's been kind of an up and down type of week!  Monday night, Elder Rodriguez, my zone leader for my whole mish was transferred to Cali, so now the only people with me that have been with me since day 1 are Elder Paskett and Hermana Limachi.  Tuesday was super slow.  Now that all the kids are in school again, NO one is ever home!  So whatever.  During an appointment we had with a member who i teach English sometimes, she told me the super market here called Éxito probably has peanut butter, so after we went and looked and WOOAOH there's peanut butter!! its super expensive but i don't care!  so i bought it and woww is that a tasty treat.  Other than that we met with H and Mag and taught them the word of wisdom.  As usual, he had no problems with it.  2 more weeks and we can baptize him and his wife!  woo!  Wednesday was awesome.  we only got 2 appointments, but they were both pretty solid.  Our first one was with a lady named Eva, a less active we found.  She's been inactive so long she's basically a new investigator haha  but it was way good, and we got her a Book of Mormon again!  So hopefully we can build her up again.  The other lesson we had was with Ros and her neighbor whom we met named Janet, and her 2 boys Jesid and Fernando.  It was a great lesson, and we set baptismal dates for all 4 of them!!!  Ros said she's received her answer and wants to baptize!!!  7th of March, day after my birthday!!  WOOO!  we better baptize them, its all i want for my birthday haha.  Thursday we searched ALLL day long for appointments, and nothing.  Also the family of a girl we contacted told us to not come back so that was a bummer.  But whatevs, their salvation.  That night we talked with our 1st counselor in the branch.  Solorio had the feeling to visit him to help gain confidence with us.  It was a way good thing, and we all felt super excited to work after!  Friday, was pretty good!  We met with a less active recent convert named Jon, and i found out he doesn't have a testimony of the BoM and doesn't know what the Spirit feels like!  So the missionaries who baptized him in September weren't doing their job very well.  A lot of our work here is fixing what missionaries did in the past.  A lot of Elders only care about baptisms here and not about how good of members they'll be in the long run.  Its a bit frustrating, but i know Me and my comp aren't like that, and we're here to build up the Church!  That night we met with Ros again, and she was having really bad pains in her stomach and was worried.  So we taught her about Priesthood Blessings and administered to her.  It was a cool experience.  She has SO much faith.  That night, we taught the daughter Johanna in the house of familia Leon for the first time.  At first she was showing a TON of doubt, but she was pretty intrigued by the end.  Thank you holy Spirit haha.  Saturday was another LONG day where we searched and searched and found nothing.   We have plan A's, plan B's, and a list of less actives to search out for every hour of the day.  So though we couldn't find anything, we knew we worked hard.  So what evs, you win some you lose some haha.  Sunday was way good!  So in the morning on the way to church we went to pick up Al, an investigator we have.  (he didn't come with us...) on the way there a drunk guy yelled at me "AY MONO LUCHAREMOS" which means "HEY MONKEY LET'S FIGHT." I just said "nah man" and he walked away hahaha.  Strange times in Colombia.  At church H and Mag came which is awesome! they love it, and are making tons of friends in the church!  I gave a talk on Missionary Work and the Atonement.  It went really well and Solorio told me i was pretty fluent haha.  After church we had lunch with Ros, and then taught her the Sabbath day.  She was really receptive and of course is willing to close her restaurant now on Sunday.  She has sooo much faith.  More good news is that she's feeling better!  Yay Priesthood!  That night we met with Karen and Diego to visit.  I sure do love them!  And of course, they had a billion references for us!  Such great members!  Today, we went to Las Lajas AAAgain.  I sure love it but I've already seen it 3 times now haha.  Nothing really interesting happened.  SO yeah there's my week!  Ive been enjoying the Mac and Cheese I've had sent to me from home.  That's cool.  Hope you all have a great week!  Remember, God loves you, answers your prayers, and stuff like that! 
haha love you all

Elder Welch

(This is in response to my telling him "Happy Valentine's Day" and that it was the first Valentine's where I didn't get him something)
Jake: fun fact:  I got your package valentines day haha so mac and cheese and jerky made me feel super loved hahahah.  I'm sooo happy with the mac and cheese honestly.  I wish we had that in stores here haha but GOOD news is I found small expensive peanut butters at the éxito here! But its so worth it, even if it is 8000 pesos for a tiny jar!
Mom: So how much is 8000 pesos? I used an online converter that says it's about 3.35 US. That's not terrible.
Jake: its about that right now but that's super expensive for Colombia haha especially because its tiny.  And our money assignment is 170,000 pesos for 2 weeks. (That's about $71.00US for 2 weeks)

(I also sent him a really short video clip of his cat and of his dad and I saying, "Hi". From his response, I'd say he's appreciating how blessed we are.)
Jake: Haha I couldn't hear anything but I sure loved it.  MOM WE'RE SO RICH WE HAVE SO MUCH STUFF

 With his companion, Elder Solorio

 With Elder Solorio and Angelica 
(She is the little girl of some members. The elders 
do their emailing at her family's home.)

Getting in some extra prayers at Las Lajas

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