This week has been good and productive!
Monday night, we had a FHE with a part member family. It was a really good time, we played lots of
games (which were basically all ruined by the kids ideas they added) but they
all had fun so i can't complain.
Tuesday was really good!
That morning we had a district meeting in the chapel Americas , and
it went very smoothly! We made good
plans, had good thoughts, everyone was active and I'm getting better at my role
as leader as in checking in and helping everyone out. It feels good honestly! That night we found a family of old
investigators using the area book and they said they want to keep listening and
dont know why the missionaries stopped coming!
But it's been since April when they passed by. We taught the Restoration to see what they
remembered and the spirit was there very strong. Later we talked with C and J, one of our
couples thats on track to get married and baptized. It's been a hassle to get their civil
registers, but we're working on it.
Also, a return missionary of the ward that got back like a week ago
came, and it was super rad. He's like
having a 3rd companion to help out! He
also showed us to like 4 or 5 families, many with non members in the
house. Rad!
Wednesday was a bit slower.
We searched for lots of people from the area book and found few. That night the ward mission leader went with
us to visit C and J, but the ward mission leader got distracted and chatted
with them for a long time! We hardly got
to share anything!
Thursday we had a good day.
With one family, a family of about 8 people, we taught the plan of
salvation. About a month ago, the one
brother in the family was killed. So
they had a MOUNTAIN of questions. But it
was special to tell the mother that she can see her boy again. We stayed a bit long, but for a good
reason. We helped resolve many doubts and
questions on the matter. Later we
visited 2 members named P and An that are getting married on the 28th. Theyve been inactive but now want to make it
all right. We made instant friends, I
really like them!
Friday a lot of people blew us off but we still had a really
good day! With our pensionista we made
brownies, but since there's no pam here, we used butter with flour which just
burned the bottom. It kind of ruined
them but i learned not to use butter and flour again! That night we met with just J. and i found
out something that's kind of a bummer.
Him and C. have a rough smoking problem.
So that should be a hastle! After
we met a referal from C. named Mar. and her husband Wi. It was rough!
She wants to listen but he's a die hard catholic and hardly lets us
talk! He kept talking about prayer and
the virgin! It was
Saturday was pretty alright!
We had a super good zone meeting.
I LOVE our zone leaders, Elder Lyon (from my group) and Elder
Green! They're great! I just left feeling happy and excited to
work! I also got my PACKAGE! Thanks mom!
I enjoyed the yoyo and american deodorant a lot haha. That night we visted every investigator we've
got to invite them all to church.
Sunday was great too!
Only let down is almost no one we invited came to church. We even had like 6 people say YES YES WE'RE
COMING that morning! It's an ongoing
frusteration of the mission. But the
members are so great and willing to help.
That night, we were in a lesson with Mar. and Wi, and a member was passing
by and came in and joined us! It was so great
of him to go out of his way and take the initiative like that! Even though it was another rough lesson
thanks to Wi. I think we'll drop him and
continue with Mar. at C.'s house, because Wi doesnt hardly let us speak. That night, we had a FHE with almost all the
YSA and YM/YW from the ward. (so like 10 kids haha). They're super rad! We did a scripture search thing on
"people in the Book of Mormon who are good examples of Enduring to the
end". afterwards, we shared what we
found, discussed how we can follow their examples and how we can become great
like them and receive salvation. It was
rad! I love them all alrready! this ward is honestly a huge blessing for
me. Im excited to see the great things
we can accomplish due to their great attitudes to progress.
Today i got my haircut and we played soccer as a zone! Loving the life in Valle Grande! I also didnt get robbed this week, so I'm
happy about that! Love you all!
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