Monday, April 25, 2016

04-18-16 to 04-25-16 Working with members

So this week we tried REALLY hard to find new investigators.  It's been a struggle but we're figuring it out. 
Monday the husband of our pensionista, Luis, introduced us to a family of 6.  They've already met the missionaries and almost baptized a way back.  For certain problems they didnt but Luis feels like the time for them to receive the Gospel again has come.  The only problem with the family is they are VERY unorganized.  always getting distracted and half leave the room in the middle of the discussion so no one gets very much out of what we say.  but we're gonna try hard to get them to listen!

Tuesday was pretty slow,

same with Wednesday.

Thursday we decided to dedicate some time to contacting, whether it be knocking doors or stopping people in the street.  But seriously, EVERY person we talked to gave us dirty faces or came up with a ton of excuses of how we couldnt visit with them.  I think here in Palmira other churches have spread lots of anti Mormon material because seriously, no one wants to talk to us and some people we've talked to have brought up how we believe in baptizing for the dead and eternal marriage. 
So yeah, finding through our own efforts will not be the most effective way to find in this area.  So we've decided to work almost 100 % with the members.  We've been to EVERY house in our area from the members list, (171 houses) have made a list of who actually lives there (only like 30) and are planning FHE's, service, etc. etc.

Friday was crazy awesome.  we left all day with a member named Andres Cruz and he presented us some people.  Theyre all really good and we had 5 lessons that day!  it was nice to be busy for once.  We also had a lesson with Jul and she said she prayed about the Book of Mormon and wants to be baptized!  Wooo! 

Saturday we spent most the day confirming attendance, but around 6 or 7, my hip starting making a popping sound.  Then it hurt REALLY BAD.  So we rested a bit and I decided to sleep on it to see if it would be better Sunday.

Sunday was great, Jul came to church and so did F our less active.  They both had a really nice experience and all the classes and talks were really good and edifying.  After church my hip was still bothering me so i called Sis. Pricoli and she told me to rest and take some ibuprofen to see if by Monday it would change.

Today my hip feels better, and we slept and bummed around all day.  So nice to relax a bit! 
So this week all our plans are to work with members.  Let's see how it helps us!
Love you all!  have a Great week!

Elder Welch

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